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1 faves · 4 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




jelly52995 · 1 decade ago
my friend is a strict vegetarian but i still eat meat. stick upto your friend becuz if shes really your friend she wont let a few dead animals get in the way of your friendship you can do whatever you want
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missrachelx3 · 1 decade ago
ohkk look. you be what you wanna be. no matter what she is. if she's your sister, best friend, or enemy. you do what's right for you. and if she get's mad at you for that kind of stuff, she just doesn't know what kind of friend she has and doesn't know what it will be like to lose her. so if you lose her because of that; it's just because she's stuck up and thinks she's the . believee mee. my school has drama like thiss. and everyone seems to get over itt. (: need anything elseeE? comment me -missrachelx3
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skoniecki13 · 1 decade ago
heyy i definitely think you should just tell her that your not vegitarian anymore and if she gets mad, its not worth it because you shouldnt risk your health just to keep your friend happy.
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randomxxcardss42xo · 1 decade ago
hahha i dont like meat, but i'm not likee vegan. Just be like, Hey, look, I am going to eat what I want, and there's not a thing you can do about it. And if you're going to get mad at me for eating a gummy bear, than that's not really being a friend. It's being a frickingg dictator... idkk thts wht i would say (;
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