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30 day confession challenge

Day 1: Your biggest fear
Day 2: Your worst nightmare
Day 4: something you wish you could forget.

Day 4; Best dream.
Day 5; Favourite memory.
Day 6; Worst experience.
Day 7; Biggest pet hate.
Day 8; Something you're paranoid about.
Day 9; What you thought of your current best friend when you met them.
Day 10; Your strongest principale/belief.
Day 11; What annoys you the most.
Day 12; Something you want to do before you die.
Day 13; Biggest regret.
Day 14; Hidden talent.
Day 15; Favourite thing about yourself.
Day 16; One thing you would change about yourself if you could.
Day 17; Worst habit.
Day 18; Most important person in your life at the moment.
Day 19; A skill you wish you had.
Day 20; Biggest compliment you've ever recieved.
Day 21; What you hate most about society.
Day 22; Something that makes you cry.
Day 23; Something that makes you laugh.
Day 24; Something no-one expected you to like.
Day 25; Most treasured possesion (object).
Day 26; Strangest hobby.
Day 27; Biggest ambition.
Day 28; Something stupid you used to believe when you were younger.
Day 29; A random confession.
Day 30; A few words to, honestly, describe yourself.
Day 3: something I wish I could forget,...... Him and everything that we ever had so that I can finally get on with my life and live it without always having his memory in the back of my head taunting me. I just wish it wouuld all go away! I can't take much more.....
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30 day confession challenge Day 1: Your biggest fear Day 2: Your

1 faves · Mar 29, 2012 12:22pm






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