Witty Profiles

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Gender: Female.
Birthday: Sept. 18
Eye color: Brown.
Shoe size: 8 or 9
Height: I don't know.
What are you wearing: pjs.
Where do you live: Indiana.
Righty or lefty: Lefty
Can you make a dollar in change right now: yea
Who are your best friends: Don't have any.
Best place for a date? Rain Forest Cafe
Where is your fav place to shop: Discovery
Favorite kind of plant? flowers. . .
Fave Color?: Purple.
Fave Number: 9 and 18
Fave Boys Name: Joseph, Nicholas, Kevin
Fave Girls Name: Violet
Fave Animal: Penguins and Dolphins
Fave instrument to play: guitar... I guess
Fave Subject: don't have one
Fave book: Twilight Saga
Fave Sport: Baseball
Fave Month: June and July
Movies: idk
Juice: fruit punch
Finger: ring finger
Breakfast food: None.
Favorite cartoon character: Phineas and Ferb.
Given anyone a bath: no.
Smoked: yessir
Made yourself throw-up: a few times
Gone skinny dipping: I'm too fat
Eaten a dog: a hot dog.
put your tongue on a frozen pole?:  nope.
loved someone so much it made you cry? yesss...
Broken a bone?: Almost.
Played truth or dare: yeaaa.
Been in a physical fight: a few
Been in more then one car accident? no.
Been on a plane: not yet. I willl soon tho
 Come close to dying: idk..
Been in a sauna: No.
Been in a hot tub: Yes.
Cried when someone died: Yes. . .
Cried in school: ugh...yes... -.-
Fell off your chair: yea
Wait for someone's phone call all night: Yes and it's pathetic.
Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: No.
Saved e-mails: yea.
Fallen for one of your best guy friends: yes. it was mistake. . .
Made out with JUST a friend? yea...
Used someone: . . .

What is...
Whats your good luck charm?: don't have one
Best song you ever heard: hmm... idk..
what's your bedroom like: messy
Last thing you said: I'm fxckin nothing to you
What is last thing you ate: chips
What kind of shampoo do you use? Tresseme
Best thing that has happened to you this year; Idk, nothing
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Losing two best friends. shxt happens I guess

Have you had...
Chicken pox: never
Sore Throat: I do now.
Stitches: no.
Broken nose: no.

Do You..
Believe in love at first sight? idk
Like school: hell no
Want to get married? I don't know anymore
Have kids? yea
What schools have you gone to: only 3 schools
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: that's nasty. I'm not that desparate fer money
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: Theresa, Megan, Marc, and Shay Shay
Who was the last person that called you: Christopher. . .
Who was the last person you slow danced with: idk. Omar?
What makes you laugh the most?Anything
What makes you smile?: Nothing. I fake it

Last Person..
You yelled at: . . .
Who broke your heart: Ha...
told you that they love you: idk
Is your loudest friend: I guess Megan.

Do you/Are You..
Do you like filling these out?: sure
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses.
Do you like yourself: hell no. I HATE myself
Do you get along with your family: yea. fer the most part
Stolen anything over $50: no.
Obsessive Compulsive? Yes.
Anorexic? no. . .
Suicidal? Sigh. . . Yes. . .

Final questions
What are you listening to right now?: Theory of a Deadman
What did you do yesterday: rested.
Got any awards? Yes.
What car do you wish to have: Mustang<3
Where do you want to get married: In a nice hall.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: Every single thing. . .
Good driver: Yea, my mom isn't telling me what to do. -.-
Good Singer: idk. I've been told I am...
Have a lava lamp: Yes.
How many remote controls are in your house: idk.
double jointed: No.
Flexible? A lil...
What do you dream about: how I wish my life actually was. . .
Last time you showered: last night.
Last time you took a bath: years ago
Scary or happy movies: idk..depends on my mood
Chocolate or white chocolate: both.
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: ew, neither.
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: what?
Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
Summer or winter: SPRING!
Silver or Gold: Silver.
Diamond or pearl: Diamond.
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset.
Sprite or 7up: 7up.
Cats or dogs: Cats.
Coffee or tea: Coffee.
Phone or in person: idk.
Indoor or outdoor: indoor
Facebook or Twitter: Twitter<3
Peanut butter or Jelly: Peanut butter.
Hockey or Football: Football.
Hot or Nice: Nice.
Rich or Poor: Don't matter.
3 kids or none? 3 kids.
Nike or Adidas: Nike
Lions or Tigers? Tiger

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Gender: Female.Birthday: Sept. 18 Eye color: Brown.Shoe size:

2 faves · Mar 14, 2012 9:09pm






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