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Yesterday,  the day before Valentine’s Day, my friend’s boyfriend of 13 months broke up with her.  Wait no he didn’t, he made his friend do it for him.  After dating for 13months he didn’t have the balls to breakup with her himself.  They broke up because he started hanging out with these other girls and he started to like them.  Everyone is sure he is going to go out with one of them. My friend is really upset, she loved him. Please fave this to show her that there is a better guy out there for her. She is gorgeous and amazing and needs cheering up, I'm she can get a guy x20 better than him.  Please help me prove it to her.

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Yesterday, the day before Valentine’s Day, my friend’s

14 faves · 1 comments · Feb 14, 2012 10:10pm





break up

memegirl · 1 decade ago
aww i just read this! your the bestfriend a girl could have!! i love you katiieee

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