Witty Profiles

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Should not exist. but what is a quote going to do? its going to do a lot. I want a petition
to go around of witty and i want you to repost this quote with your name signed. after i get all of these names i am going to make a youtube video of all the witty profile names that took out a few minutes to read and repost this quote. lets show these people how much we care and someday we can put a end to this! staystrong signatures: daddygirl99. notyouraverageb*tch Smileyz316 xpeacexbluex SexiPurpleZebra ohxheyxitsxLydia conklineli5280 kaerottina Eatmypants quotinglikeaboss xoStayBeautifulxo Meganbbz AnaisHeartsYou Marie1388 ImNotAlone SecretGurl123 bananaman ProudToBeGeeky KateehKracklady of the night eternalsunshinex BooILoveSkittles danixoxomarie tayzerrrr jscharox323 danca4evaner babygirlx0x zxw889 iloveyoudanielle JBiebslover basketball16 loverz4ever orangey7 forever517
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SUICIDE: Should not exist. but what is a quote going to do?

0 faves · Jan 18, 2012 4:36pm




