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He broke my heart.
Ripped it to shreds.
Lying on the floor my heart lays dead.
Now I'm so very alone,
lying in my ever so empty bed.
This is the day that I have dread.

I wish you were here,
But I also wish you weren't
Because I now know
How to let you go.

I'm emotionally drained
I'm done putting up with your crap,
So pretty pretty please don't you ever come back.

You have fooled me once,
You have fooled me twice.
However, right now you give me no choice.
I give up on this love
That you promised would last,
And now it is all stuck in the past.


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He broke my heart. Ripped it to shreds. Lying on the floor my

9 faves · 3 comments · Jan 18, 2012 12:34am





break up

nooniemoomoo12 · 1 decade ago
You are a strong confident girl and I can tell this just by how you post, don't fret over people like him

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xoxoMelaniexoxo · 1 decade ago
His loss! I deserve better anyways. :)
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danceducky · 1 decade ago
awweee :( </3
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