Witty Profiles

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[♥] 55 secrets

1.Who was the last person you texted? Michael
2. Where was your profile picture taken? at a home basketball game
3. Have you ever lost a close friend? through death no.. through just losing most deff </3
4. What song did you listen to last? mirror-lil wayne ft.bruno mars
5. Whats your relationship status? Single.
6. How many siblings do you have? 3
7. Whats your brother/sister(s) names? desiree, dorionna, && tyler
8. Where do you wish you where right now? In my ex's arms </3
9. Ever had a near death experience? yeah :/
10. Something you do a lot? txt :p
11. Are you currently angry at anyone? Yes-.-
12. Whats stopping you from going for the person you like? he went to someone else..
13. When was the last time you really cried? last night..
14. Is there anyone you would do anything for? Yeah.
15. Who do you think about before you fall asleep? things..
16. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Ashton && zachary
17. What is your favorite song? too many.
18. What are you doing right now? listening to music in studyhall and doing this
19. Who do you trust right now? Ashton && Chelsi
20. Where did you get the shirt your wearing? JCPenneys?
21. Have you kissed someone the passed week? yes...
22. Who is your friend that lives closest to you? my neice in law :p
23. Describe your life in one word? broken
24. Who are you thinking of right now? a person who hurt me..
25. What should you be doing right now? depends :p
26. Who do you listen to the most? Me, myself && i
27. Who was the last person that gave you a hug? Danny :)
28. Who was the last person that yelled at you? my mom? i think?
29. Do you act differently around the person you like? yeah, take me as i am or watch me as i go
30. What is your natural hair color? dark brown
31. Who was the last person to make you laugh? Ashton :p
32. Who was the last person to make you sad? Nicholas the ex that hurt me where i cant be fixed.
33. Have you smoked before? yes..
34. Has anyone ever called you, "HOT" before? all the time :p
35. Do you have a best friend? Yes(:
36. Have you held hands with opposite gender in the past three days? no..
37. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?yessers :p
38. Are you happy with life right now? most deff NOT
39. Are you currently jealous? Yes-.-
40. What jewelry are you currently wearing?my nose ring, earings, necklace, rings, && bracelets
41. What were you doing on Friday night? hanging with ash && my mother
42. Have you ever had your heart broken? yup :'(
43. Have you ever broken someones heart? yeah, theres only one guy i didnt break up with..
44. Who is your sweet friend? they are all sweet? sometimes..
45. Have you dated someone longer than a year? yeah, on and off
46. What's your favorite color? Purple && black
47. What color is your room? baby blue
48. What size shoe do you wear? 10
49. What color is your bra right now? Pink, green, and blue
50. Who are you in 'love' with? Nicholas
51. What does your last text say? "Ya sure. i will"
52. What's your eye color? brown && green. but they change
53. Who are you talking to right now? Nobody.
54. What color are your socks? white, blue, pink, brown lol
55. What are you scared of? My parents, heartache, him not coming back, needles, bee's, love..
Next Quote >

[♥] 55 secrets 1.Who was the last person you texted? Michael

0 faves · Jan 5, 2012 12:45pm




