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Dear crush,
i dont know if i hate you for what you've put mw through or  to love you cuz....lol i just love you. youre like my bestfriend ever. a flaw you do have though is youre a major player. you said the same things to three other girls as you sis to me. thats pretty sad. i cant believe i still like you. you told me you love me, im beautiful, you almost kissed me, and more. ive cried multiple times about you. i dont expect you to cheat on ur gf for me but i wish you could. my bestfriend tries to tell me to stop liking you and i deserve better but for some reason i cant get over you...... i feel so stupid. but i still love you cuz ur my bestfriend. conficting emotions omg. contemplating on whether to tell you this or not.......i love you.......
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Dear crush, i dont know if i hate you for what you've put

1 faves · 1 comments · Dec 14, 2011 9:58pm





break up

heckiegirl234 · 1 decade ago
was this quote meant for me?? and btw i love to dance too
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