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Please, if you have time read.
 My old boyfriend and I wanted to get back together. So we flirting for a while and were going to get back together. HE TOLD ME HE LOVED ME. Then one day he gets marryed to this girl named "Marissa" on Facebook. He told me he liked her, but only a little bit. So I was ok with it. He gave me his password and everything. I was looking through his messages and he was saying the exact things he did to me, to her. The next day I see that he's now im a relationship with her. Here is what my messages to him said..'
Me:your dating marissa? thanks for breaking my heart. AGAIN<//3
sorry i was at auditions i did terrible! and im sorry but i like her...
Me:you hurt me matt! you can never take that back! how could you! u told me u liked me more than her.I LOVED YOU. you BROKE my heart. AGAIN
Him:i do but she just is with me probably till about spring...
Me: then why are you dating her? that isn't fair to her. why would u even do this to me? you already know im going threw alot.
Him:oh... and shes going to dump sometime soon i can tell by the way she talks to me and bc she doesnt really know me so my heart isnt gonna be broken it really never has been until you dumped me...
you dont know that for a fact.
Him:but im 80% sure and if she doesnt then im probably gonna keep dating her..
so are you mad at me or do you hate me?
Me: No im just hurt
Him: I didnt mean to hurt you
Me:   :/
hIM: I  didnt ok?
Favorite this if you think this is wrong. </3 and i still love him.
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Please, if you have time read. My old boyfriend and I wanted

7 faves · Dec 13, 2011 5:31pm





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