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I am me

Only me

That's all that I can be

Oh foolish child can't you see

I'm not someone you can order to do what you plea

I will be only me

even if it cause catastrophe

Don't look me in the eye saying "you must be restrained, you can not have the freedom key."

I shall take the key and leave you, I shall flee 

Don't tell me what is impossible, for I can defy gravity


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I am me Only me That's all that I can be Oh foolish child

5 faves · 1 comments · Oct 29, 2011 9:00pm






AndItGoesLikeThisx · 1 decade ago
Hey there,beautiful♥
Could do me a huge favor?
If you have time, could you please read my love/thrilling/mystery story called 'Just Open Your Eyes'
Here's the first chapter:
It would mean so much to me if you read my story, it might seem boring,
but I promise you, it will become really interesting.♥
If you follow me, I'll follow you back
& fave all the quotes on your first page of quotes.
If you give me feedback/fave 3 or more chapters,
I'll give you a nice comment on your profile,&fave some of your quotes
If you think this is too much to ask for,
then you can delete this comment, but thanks for reading.

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