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To All The Amazing Girls And Boys Who Have Been Heartbroken.. <3

You Have Just Been Heartbroken By The Girl Or Boy You Loved The Most And You Are Feeling Pretty Bad! You Feel like you are ugly and stupid for actually falling so in love with them. But You should know they are the ones who should be feeling stupid and silly for being the Jerk dumping you! I dont want Anyone that gets Dumped to feel stupid and ugly because you are beautiful in everyway.
For Every person out there that has been dumped and is reading this I Love You and dont feel bad!
For all The people out there that have just been dumped and are reading this think back to the times when you might have dumped someone for another person of you could have dumped someone for the same reason that your boyfriend or girlfriend has just dumped you. Now if you have done that to someone then you should be thinking about other people a bit more. Because you dont like it happinging to you so now you know what it is like! But i still feel for you because i know what it is like getting dumped. <3
Thanks For Reading..


P.S. You Are Beautiful.. <3

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To All The Amazing Girls And Boys Who Have Been Heartbroken..

4 faves · Oct 17, 2011 3:00am





break up

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