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20 Day Band Challenge.

My pick?
You Me At Six<3

1. Band basics.
2. First song you heard.
3. Your favorite song.
4. Your favorite album.
5. Your favorite band member.
6. Your favorite song title.
7. Your favorite album title.
8. Your favorite lyrics.
9. Your favorite photo of the band.
10. Your favorite album cover.
11. Best song-related memory.
12. Worst song-related memory.
13. Best song
14. Worst song.
15. Best album.
16. Worst album.
17. Most-played song.
18. Least-played song.
19. Most popular song overall.
20. Why is this your favorite band?
Day 7. Your favorite album title

Take Off Your Colours x
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20 Day Band Challenge. My pick? You Me At Six<3 1. Band basics.

2 faves · 2 comments · Sep 16, 2011 3:26pm






RawrAndStuff · 1 decade ago
sure you can use it :) x
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sarahthecow · 1 decade ago
i love you me at six :D
mind if i use this format for my 20 day band challenge?(:
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