Witty Profiles

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Day 1 -  A letter to your best friend.
Danielle Maguire, thank you so much for always being there for me. I'm almost positive that no one has my back like you always do. We haven't talked recently, but i know nothing will ever change between us. Since i moved here, you have been the kind of friend i can always go to. i trust you with everything. I don't really care what people have to say about you because they don't know you like i do. you are one of the FUNNEST and weirdest people i know. You are so much like me its crazy. like i swear Shannon seriously is my mom.  iloveyoulikecrazy, dont ever forget it.
- Brenna Danaher

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Day 1 - A letter to your best friend. Danielle Maguire, thank