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1 faves · 2 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




dancex02 · 1 decade ago
I've had some girl problems myself. I had this "bestfriend" who didn't really act like such a good friend to me. She tore my self esteem, and self cofidence down. She made me feel fat, ugly and worthless. I ended up realizing I didn't deserve that. I got out of her friendship, but I made much better ones along the way. Her new friend still bothers me sometimes, but never to my face, of course. (I'm guessing that was the same for you?) But all I really wan't you to know, is you'll get through this. Just think about your life out of middle school/high school. You have so much ahead of you. A family, a job, a life. It get's better I promise. Always keep your head up <3
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nesismad · 1 decade ago
OMG are you okay now? Gosh I know how it feels but it must be a million times worse =(
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