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What color is his hair: Browny-redish
What style is it: Shortish..
Cute smile: Adorable!♥
Braces: Nope.
Glasses: Nope.
Abs: Not sure about this one, definetly in shape, though idk if he's got noticable abbs or not =)
Height: about the same height as me, 5 ft. 6ish

How did you meet him: school
How long have you known him:  1 school year
Would you consider him your friend: I'd like to, probs more like classmate:)
Would he consider you his friend: probly no, idk
If you asked him for a hug, would he give you one: well, I am way too shy to ask for a hug, but if I did he might, maybe. And he would for sure; in my dreams <3 
Does he play any sports: Yes, soccer, and football
Can he play the guitar: I don't know, I guess not.
What about any other musical instruments: No.
Last thing he said to you: "So, what do you think you got [on that test]"

Do you guys ever text: no, idk if he even has a phone :/
Facebook chat: no, way too shy
Last time you were on his Facebook profile: last night
Have you "liked" his profile picture: no
Has he ever commented on any of your photos: nope
Has he ever written on your wall: nope

Has he ever let you wear his jacket: Nope, plus i have never asked
What do his sneakers look like: idk, i honestly pay more attention to a guys face than his shoes 0.o
Do you know what his favorite bands/singers/songs are: no, only the style of music
What song best describes your attitude towards him: idk no song can sum it up, or at least none i listen to
What would be his theme song: Dunno.

Do you know when his birthday is: yes
Has he ever given you anything (such as jewelry,candy,pencils,etc): Nope.
Do you have any classes together: four, plus same block gym, but guys class and girls class don't ussualy mix
Do you think that he likes you back: no, I sed to think so i the beginning of the year, but not anymore. He's really nice to me, just not in a "I like-like you" kinda way
Do any of your friends know that you like him? Yep, 3 ;p
Do any of your teachers know that you like him: No xD
Does he know that you like him: no, well maybe, if he guessed, ive never told him
Do you parents know he exists: Noo :DD
Do they know that you like him:  No :D Though my sister kinda does...
Do you think they would like him if you were dating him: I think so, though that would never happen :(
Have you met his parents: No

What would you do if he read this survey: Umm, well, he wouldnt know that it was me, but if he did id be like ohmygosh! shizzza, now he knows i like him  0_0
Why do you like him: He's so funny, and really cute, and he's really nice, and he's athletic and smart and he isn't afraid of my dog :P (a lot of people are even though she's so sweet and gentle) his SMILE! he can joke around with the teachers and waste work time without getting in trouble, he is a well behaved student, but he can get away with breaking the rules a bit. he is just so funny and kinda weird, but in a really cute way!

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1 faves · Jun 23, 2011 4:50pm






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