Witty Profiles

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Because I get bored...

[A]vailable - Yes
[B]irthday - February 17th
[C]rush - Isaiah...
[D]rink you last had - Dr Pepper.
[E]asiest person to talk to - Wendy
[F]avorite genre of music - Don't have a favorite genre.
[G]ummy bears or gummy worms - Gummy bears
[H]ad your first kiss - No.
[I]nstrument - Clarinet.
[J]uice - Orange juice.
[K]illed someone - Nope.
[L]ongest trip - Umm... I don't know.
[M]ilkshake flavor - Strawberry or chocolate.
[N]umber of siblings - One.
[O]ne wish - To fall in love, like they do in the movies.
[P]erson who holds the best memories with you - Wendy.
[Q]uiet or loud - Quiet.
[R]easons to smile - Everything.
[S]ong: Six Feet Under the Stars.
[T]ime you woke up - 6:30am.
[U]mbrella - I like rain.
[V]egetable - Carrots.
[W]arm at the moment - Yea.
[X]-rays you've had - None.
[Y]our favorite animal - Zebra.
[Z]odiac sign - Aquarius.
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Because I get bored... [A]vailable - Yes [B]irthday - February

0 faves · Apr 21, 2011 6:37pm




