Witty Profiles

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Name: Kara
Height: 5''3ish
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Bluey

Friend: idk
Guy: Ummmmm...... I have a fewww.
Movie: Harry Potter movies
Book: see above
Type of Food: Sweet foods yaaaah!!!
Colour: Blue,Pink,Silver.
Hair Colour: Blonde or Auburn
Makeup Item: Eyeshadow

This or That:
Cherry Coke or Vanila Coke?
Raspberry or Strawberry?
Banana or Mango?
Friend or Boyfriend?
Kiss or Hug?
Movie or Book?
Painting or Drawing?
English or Math?
Sing or Dance?

Explain Your Answer:
What do you like to do for fun: read, write, talk to people, make quotes :) lotsa shizzle!!! XD
What makes you laugh out loud: friends being silly and crazy nuts.
Why do you love the person you love: because they are amazing.
What stereotype if you HAD to pick do you fit into: popular girl or scee perhaps?
Describe your bedroom: medium sized, light blue walls, black cabinet, stereo.

Answer with one word:
Where is your phone: desk
How do you feel: okay
What will you do next: eat
Where is your Mum: home
Where is your car: none
Where do you live: England

Do you like chocolate cheesecake? Yes I do!
Can you iceskate? Nope.
Why are you taking this? Bored.
Do you have a dog? Yeah.
Do you live eating fish? Ewww no.
Next Quote >

What's Basics: Name: Kara Height: 5''3ish Hair Colour:

0 faves · Mar 8, 2011 1:13pm




