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1 faves · 5 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




Kelly9997 · 1 decade ago
yes because its more than 1 guy
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midhitter97 · 1 decade ago
awww bri, i knew this would happen. well this is sorta like me and brian, in some sorta way. You know? I liked eli, but i was dating brian. i mean over all, look at everything now. im friends with both of them :P so what im trying to say is if you still like shane, STOP. If you still like chase, you should break up with jack, but ask to be just friends. I mean if you don't really like him, don't hurt him by letting him find out. And besides with that whole situation with shannon and jack and blahhhhhhhh.. if you don't like him dont ruin it for him.

and not to sound mean, but if you still like different guys when youre dating, i dont think you are really ready to date in the first place. you knopw i love you bri, but youve honestly gone too far with this. first joey, thats okay, cuz its joey. But then doc, there is no jealousy here. But you made out with a guy you didnt like. Thats not the worst you could do, but it is pretty bad. but you stopped when he did, talking to each other wise. But now jack, he went on a date with shannon, bri!! ikk "she doesn't care." but did you see her at ratr, she was a mess, all cuz it started with him. And kelly told me what you asked jack, like what he sees in you but not in shannon or whatever. Why would you do that?! we didnt tell shannon, but bri. At this point, you should just break up with him.
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kittykattbabeexx · 1 decade ago
No, not at all, if you have a boyfriend and you like another boy its okay... for the begining that is if this has been going on for a while thats not cool. Your boyfriend doesn't want to be the second choice. If you do like someone else you should prob break up with your boyfriend and look into this other guy, but think about it first remember you might not be able to get him back if this other guy isn't interested, your current boy friend doesn't want to be the 2ecnd pick, he'd rather moove on. And if you think/know this other guy will go out with you tell your bf tht ur breaking up with him because yo feel bad tht u have feelings for someone else.(:
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augustiverde · 1 decade ago
no, it's okaay.
but it stops at liking.
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smileycea · 1 decade ago
depends because you dont want them to find out and remember your with someone and your focus should only be on him but when i was with my boyfriend i still liked other guys but i told myself i have someone perfect with me(:
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