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0 faves · 2 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




anoymus1256 · 1 decade ago
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xoilyyyox · 1 decade ago
Um, ok look. She's your friend. Now I know you have feelings and stuff, but no one, would ever make something like that up. It's insane. She's telling the truth. You really need to sit her down and talk to her about it. Tell her to calm down, tell her that she shouldn't go over a boy, just let her be calm about it, tell her to slowly get over it. Tell her to keep a journal or talk to you every night about the way she feels, and it will slowly degrade. This can't go on, because it's gonna turn worse. I agree you guys are young to love someone that much, but maybe all this isn't because of loving him. She probably is going through a rough time, and you should really talk to her. If she is your friend, you should. Yeah you have feelings, but she has feelings too, and she would never make that up to get attention. She is obviously in love with the guy, but she has to slowly get over him, and the only way is if you keep talking to her about it. But by the way, if you are too young to love someone at 13, you're too young to go out with them...Just saying. No offense, I definitely went out with someone when I was 13.
But yeah, really talk to her. Because she is going through a rough time.
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