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...The walls shake, windows rattle who in the night howls at the moon twisted, torn, vulnerability rises the darkness suffocates her enclosing her words, speak she must not ting, ting, ting, rain hits the metal she who sits, motionless eyes searching through the night distant footsteps, darkness has arrived boards creak, dogs bark eyes widen, soft footsteps, cold clammy hands reaching for the door Swings open, darkness stands before her skin paler than light, eyes cold and black hard, cracked hands touch her tanned soft face mind races, body tightens darkness pulls her close, blue, rough lips pressed gently upon her soft shimmery lips walls stand still, windows silent sun peaks out as rain evaporates body loosens, his body now warm and vibrant stepping back, gazing into the his big brown eyes perspective clears, for she fell in love with the angel of mirage

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...The walls shake, windows rattle who in the night howls at

2 faves · Aug 20, 2010 11:41am






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