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I've closed my door just once more,
because my heart is so sore,
this heart of mine cant take much more,
it feels like Im frozen from the inside to core.
Its crazy, the way this feels,
my skin is inside out,
but my body is outside right.
Because there's nobody fighting.
the crazier thing is, there's this girl,
and her name is Brittani,
and I cant help but write a poem for her.
since I suck at drawing.
I guess Im too nervous to say this to you,
but I guess a poem will do.
hah, I feel awkward writing to you, but...-
will you be my girl?

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I've closed my door just once more, because my heart is

1 faves · 2 comments · Aug 19, 2010 12:42am






XxiloveyouxXforeverxX · 1 decade ago
Thankyou. My girlfriend just dumped me the 27th so. hah.
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MellieFlirtz · 1 decade ago
this is so sweet
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