Witty Profiles

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I want you to know
but I gotta hide it.
I'm hurting so bad
and I don't like it.
What did I do
to deserve this pain?
No matter what,
I'm always for blame.
I'm sick of this life
what do I do to leave?
Maybe hang myself,
no wait, be emo and BLEED.
Let all the blood drip
off my wrists and curse you.
You touch my blood you're cursed
don't worry there will be few.
Eternal is what I wished
it is what I got; eternal death.
No more coming back, no more pain
just life as it should be without me to blame.
Her mother holds her head low
with dissapointment and shame.
She felt she was the cause
but no, it was herself and THIS SUICIDE POEM.

Written by me 100% [[bns]]
on January 22, 2007 when I had just gotten out of a hospital for being suicidal and from trying to overdose.
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I want you to know but I gotta hide it. I'm hurting so bad and

0 faves · Feb 23, 2007 7:44pm




