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30 Letters in 30 Days

Day 2-Your Crush

Dear Crush,

     I won't say your real name but i will say that its very hard to be here when your not with me. We haven't known each other long but your a very special person. I know you don't see it but i do. Your kind, funny, sweet, and cute. This may sound weird and i told you this but i love your big boxy head. It makes me think of a big dog. I call you my dog because your way too tall to be a puppy. Your way too tall for me but that never bothered you. I just never knew why you ever wanted to see me. Its killing me that i want to know what you saw in me but i guess i'll never know now. Even though all your friends said i shouldn't waste my time with you i still want you. I don't want to say i love you because those words have too much meaning and i'm not that immature to be throwing around strong feelings like that with a crush. I do care about you alot though, more than you could ever think.



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30 Letters in 30 Days Day 2-Your Crush Dear Crush, I won't say

0 faves · Jul 11, 2010 11:03pm




