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i hate the feeling when your alone and you know no ones there to go to.
you feel like your going to be this way for the rest of your life,
but you forget theres so much of life ahead of you. your still young you have time.

than why do you want to rush it so bad? do you have that craving for someone? that longing for another soul to be with? why do these urges happen and why can't i control mine when i think of YOU?

you won't leave me alone and your not even here. your just in my mind. and your the reason i stay up until the sun rises. i'd do anything to watch it rise with you. your all i ever dream about <3

yeah theres other fish in the sea but maybe ur my fish, maybe im the only one that knows that but everyone will know soon.

i've waited this long, maybe i could wait a little longer because YOUR WORTH IT.






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i hate the feeling when your alone and you know no ones there

0 faves · Jul 10, 2010 3:45am




