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You can't see me crying
You can't feel me shake
You can't hear me screaming
I guess I'm just a big fake

How I solve my problems
To ask is really low
But it you ask to see it
That I'll never show

Cutting's my solution
I use my razorbalde knife
Tho any blade will do
And if you wonder why
I might break down and cry

Nikki trys to cheer me up
Other do to
Blood starts to drip everywhere
Even on my shoes

People think I'm crazy
But what else can I do
Keep this inside me?
I would try and do it for you

In the end I'm happy
But only to others
I'm glad that no one know
Especially my mother

Atleast someone understands me
For that tells who i love
Who cry's everyday for me
Who brings me up above.

100% MINE to my BESTFRIEND nikki!!! I LOVE YOU!
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You can't see me crying You can't feel me shake You can't hear

1 faves · Oct 17, 2006 4:06pm






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