Witty Profiles

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14   confessions(:

1.What is your favorite color?

2.When the phone rings, who do u want it to be?
anybody who i wanna talk tooo :]

3.In social settings, are you more of a talker or a listener?
taaaalker !

4.Do you take compliments well?
of course, who wouldnt ;]

5.If abandoned in the wilderness would you survive?
maybe ?

6.What was your favorite game as a kid?
freeeze tag ;]

7.Have you ever lied to get out of a date?
nope !

8.What kind of guys do you like?
smile and eyes (:

9.Have you ever cried at a movie?
yes! who hasnt ?

10.Have you ever cried infront of a guy?

11.What is your status currently?
for me? or a faceboook status ? hahah !

12.Do you have a crush?
yuppppppp (:

13.Starbucks or Dunkin?
dunkin (:

14. Bagle or donut?
donut (;
Next Quote >

14 confessions(: 1.What is your favorite color? pinkkk 2.When

0 faves · Jun 24, 2010 8:44pm




