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Dear Mommy,
     Thank you for everything you've done for me and everything you've done with me. Thank you for everything. I appreciate it more than you know.
     Thank you for punishing me and scolding me when I did/do something wrong. I wouldn't be the person I am if you never did that. Thank you for giving me someone to talk to about everything. You're an amazing secret keeper and I know I can talk to you about anything. Thank you for teaching me that I need to stand up for myself. If you never told me that I needed to go back with my head up and stand up for myself when I was crying about someone that probably isn't even worth crying over, I probably never would have learned how to stand up for myself. Thank you for staying up with me all those nights I was scared of the thunderstorms or the scary little shadows. Thank you for letting me go out and letting me have a social life. Thank you for spending all the money you do on me because I know it's a lot and I know how horrible the economy is. I should just be thankful for a roof over my head, clothes, and food. Yet, I ask for so much more and I'm sorry. I should probably stop asking for things so the only way I can get something is if it's offered. Thank you for letting me play lacrosse. It keeps me active. Thank you for everything, Mom. Everything you've done was important to me and the way I've grown to be who I am. Although I'm not very old, I know I will grow to be just like you. I know I will turn out to be a decent person in this world and I blame you.

Thank you, Mom. I'm so thankful to have you as my mom. Thank you. I love you, Mommy.

Alex :)
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Dear Mommy, Thank you for everything you've done for me and everything

1 faves · 1 comments · May 9, 2010 11:08am






emmavictoria · 1 decade ago
aww. (:
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