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So, here's how it works: 
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, ETC.) 
2. Put it on shuffle 
3. Press play 
4. For every question, type the song that's playing 
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button 
Don't lie and try to pretend your cool... 
i purposly used all Justin Bieber songs
on shuffle (just saying)(:

Opening Credits
stuck in the moment - justin bieber

Waking Up:
somebody to love - justin bieber

First Day of School:
where are you now - justin bieber

Falling in Love:
never let you go - justin bieber

Breaking Up:
cont live without you - justin bieber

common denominator - justin bieber

one less lonely girl - justin bieber

Mental Breakdown: 
eenie meenie - justin bieber ft. sean kingston

Sunny Day:
favorite girl - justin bieber

Rainy Day: 
u smile - justin bieber

Stormy Day:
kiss and tell - justin bieber

overboard - justin bieber

up - justin bieber

love me - justin Bieber

Wedding day: 
first dance - justin bieber

Birth of a child: 
one time - justin bieber

Final Battle: 
pick me - justin bieber

Death Scene: 
down to earth - justin bieber

Funeral Song: 
that should be me - justin bieber

Final credits:
baby - justin bieber

Next Quote >

So, here's how it works: 1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp,

93 faves · 5 comments · Apr 5, 2010 4:40pm






cvnt* · 1 decade ago
uhh do you like justin bieber? haha! no offense but i don't really like him
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im_in_love_with_you · 1 decade ago
hahaa thank youu HighFeverForTheBieber (: <3 and i love your username<33 loll
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HighFeverForTheBieber · 1 decade ago
ok never shout never, u needa back off, LOVE ITT
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im_in_love_with_you · 1 decade ago
its my ipod i love it(: lmfao
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xnevershoutneverx · 1 decade ago
wow id hate to be the one listening to ur ipod :p
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