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We did it once
We did it twice
You went w/ her and i cryed two days stright
You went away for a little while w/o saying goodbye
While you were gone i thought i found a replacement
Turns out he was worse than you...all he wanted was
to get w/ me... that made me cry even harder
When you came back you said that you and her were done
that she didnt trust you and it was over ... you said
you still liked me and i said i still love you
I told you that you had one more chance not to screw it up
Dont screw it up I told you
You said that you wanted to see me more that we were gonna
be just friends till you saw me ... then we would be together
We talked everyday and we acted as if we were together
Then i went away for the night and was told you were with her again
When i asked you stright up u avoided the question and i knew it was true...
You said "did you expect me to wait and wait and wait?"
I said "you know what i actually did"
I have been crying all night and all day long...
I have never shed this many tears over someone before
The sadest part about all of this is ... I had to ask you if you were sorry.................<3
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We did it once We did it twice You went w/ her and i cryed two

0 faves · Apr 18, 2006 1:00pm





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