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0 faves · 5 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




laynaaax3 · 1 decade ago
i went through the same thing actually this week and i told him that i liked him and he told me he liked someone so i just dealed w it and when the girl he liked got a boyfriend about a month later he started texting me and talking to me 24/7, he later asked me out and weve been going out for a while now .. i suggest not to try so hard and definately be yourself around him and hopefully he will begin to like you for your true self.
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stephie04 · 1 decade ago
i have a boyfriend but it was heartbreaking asking him out and him saying no so i just waited for him to ask me and it worked
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heathherbabex3 · 1 decade ago
VVVVV aphro_saturn.... the guy i was talking about was the same he was sooo conceded. lol
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heathherbabex3 · 1 decade ago
i actually just recently went through a similar situationn. well , in you problem i think you need to stop trying wit him, not to be mean but if you asked him out and he sed no, then he doesnt like you. i have a friend, and he is just like that type he is a big huge flirt but doesnt like me and he and i are best friends. but i didnt try to get him to go out wit me and all of my friends are like you and him would look sooooo cute together , but it never happend. :9 so i think my aguy and your guy are the same and r just like that. but if he says he doesnt like you he means it. i am sorrry . but i would say dont give up. and maybe the girl he likes doesnt like him and you have a chance :)))) goooood luckk ( :
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aphro_saturn · 1 decade ago
I went through the same thing...sort of still going through the same thing. I would really like to help you but I still aren't dating him. The best you can do is keep your hopes up, or show him you don't need him anymore. Act like u aren't interested in him at all and maybe that will annoy him. There is a slight chance he'll be greatful but the guy that did that to me got annoyed because he was so self obsessed with himself he thought he could just have any girl he wanted. Who knows, maybe this gys the same. That's my advice. And if it doesn't work I'm reallly sorry. =)
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