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is better than any other sport in the world we work the hardest and we only get 2 minutes and 30 seconds  to show it every other team gets a lot more time than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

if you are a cheerleader than fav it

go knights 1st place at nationals
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Cheerleading is better than any other sport in the world we work

6 faves · 5 comments · Dec 18, 2009 6:20pm






sweetgirl11 · 1 decade ago
and we r also under a lot of presure to when we compete we all get r hair pulled in a bun thn hair peice tht really hurts and whn u get kick in the face hurts really bad too

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sweetgirl11 · 1 decade ago
and we r also under a lot of presure to when we compete we all get r hair pulled in a bun thn hair peice tht really hurts and whn u get kick in the face hurts really bad too

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sweetgirl11 · 1 decade ago
well we could stick every stunt in practicre and thn and compition when it matters we fall then we can not get first unless every one else falls aleast 2 times so same thing here

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sweetgirl11 · 1 decade ago
i hve before i played when i was younger and i was the best on the team the next season everyone wanted me but then i stoped so i can

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XxMeganXxMadness · 1 decade ago
Well think about it, softabll, never knowing what gonna happen practice hitting those perfect pitches in practice but in the game whole lot different getting bruies from head to toe from sliding? yea right i love to see you take a bat and hit that winning homerun under all that pressure
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