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0 faves · 4 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




heartxoxolove · 1 decade ago
Dear Pressure Magnet,
Lets start with your first issue: And can I just say that I think it is awesome that you and your friend would never fight over a boy! That's great! But, if you both like this boy and he only likes YOU, then that's not your fault at all. If you told your friend this I bet she would understand. Don't get me wrong she probably will be a little jealous. But being jealous is just a natural instinct in all of us.
Now let's focus on your second issue: Having your friend talk to the boys a lot is ok, but the only thing she can't do is, as you said, "act like she owns the boys." Just because the boys aren't talking to her doesn't mean that they hate her, it just means that they found someone new, and that newness will wear off eventually, trust me. You friend needs to learn that she isn't the only girl that the boys can talk too, that's all.

And don't feel like you have to put so much pressure on your self because you don't. All you need to do is relax and let things work themselves out. Nobody's perfect and is able to make everyone happy.

:) Hope this helps! Write back, let me know how things went!

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heartxoxolove · 1 decade ago
Dear Confused,
Of course you should keep liking him! But the only thing you can't do is be flirty with him because of the fact that he does have a girlfriend. But if he is giving you signals that you may have a chance then you probably do. The only thing is that this may not happen for a while depending on the relationship with his girlfriend. Just play it cool and everything will be all right. And if things don't go the way you wanted, just remember something, "Everything happens for a reason!" Hope this helps!

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kaitrs56 · 1 decade ago
Dear M&M,
I have a lot of problems so get ready. well, my friend likes this boy, and i think i like him too but that really isn't the problem. we would never fight over a boy and we arent, but i think he likes me and so does this other boy and i don't know what to do. the signs they are giving me says that they like me and im very very confused! i don't know what to do. i also have another problem....my other friend talks to all the boys in my class like A LOT! and they haven't been talking to her much anymore and instead are talking to my other friend so she thinks that they all hate her now or something, but i think she is being really stupid. shes acting like she owns the boys. she also likes one of them which makes things worse. and i don't kno bc i have soo much pressure on me!
~Pressure Magnet
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skittlesxo88 · 1 decade ago
Dear M&M,
Well, I'm sorta confused, there's this guy, who i like so much, like its different than when other girls say they like a guy, I've liked him for the longest time, and recently he found out I like him...but he has a girlfriend.... which it was kinda a rebound thing cuz he asked her out the day after she broke up with her boyfriend, but anyway he has a girlfriend, but i still really like him and he somewhat hinted that I may have had a chance if he were single, and I'm not sure what to do, should i keep liking him, or just stay friends with him...cuz I don't want his girlfriend to think of me as a boyfriend stealer, so should I just wait till he's single again?
--- Confused
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