Witty Profiles

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Welcome To The
Fan Art Hall Of Fame.

My goal in creating this account is
to recognize all of the wonderful, hard working,
fan art makers of witty profiles.com.


* You need to be a witty member of
at least one month.
* You must have completed at least
50 pieces of fan art.
* Your fan art must be displayed on
your witty page.
* You must have at least 15 followers.

If you wish to be included in the fan art hall of fame,
you must simply leave me a comment showing me
that you've completed the requirements.
I will then check to your page to see that
everything is all set, and then i will begin putting
your information onto my page. (:

I look forward to adding your names into
the Hall of Fame.

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Welcome To The Fan Art Hall Of Fame. My goal in creating this

0 faves · Aug 30, 2009 10:50am




