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Parlez vous francais?
Come and move in my way
Hey, little chica from Guadeloupe
That thing you got behind you is amazing

Now, I dont speak Spanish, Japanese or French
But the way that bodys talkin definitely makes sense
Its her, her body, her body, her body language
Its her, her body, her body, her body language
The way she moves around
When she grinds to the beat
Breaking it down articulately
Its her, her body, her body, her body language
Its her, her body, her body

That make me want to say
he-eey, he-eey, he-eey
Its her, her body, her body
her body language cmon

~Jessie McCartney

GREAT song!!!!!! and figures i love t-pain too cool combination for a song!!!!!!!!!
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Parlez vous francais? Konichiwa Come and move in my way Hey,

0 faves · 1 comments · Aug 22, 2009 6:34pm






x0soccerloverx0 · 1 decade ago
its jesse not jessie cuz jessie is the girls way lol but its ok no one reli cares if things r spelled wrong lol
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