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Jen: Get off the floatie!!!

Me: Uhh why? It's a pool, it's why they invent floaties. So you can FLOAT.

Jen: Because we're going to play Marco Polo. You can't use a floatie.

Me:  In case you didn't notice, I can barely swim. I need the floatie.

Jen: Too bad.

I thought to myself,
Yeah, well i'm not the fifteen year old chick who still watches True Jackson VP.

just venting. I was at my friends house and her older sister had Jen over. I hate Jen.

Next Quote >

Jen: Get off the floatie!!! Me: Uhh why? It's a pool, it's why

2 faves · 3 comments · Aug 6, 2009 5:30pm






dancerx4_dcdc · 1 decade ago
I wouldnt call it spoiled but her parents baby her. Whenever she wants something and cant get it her grandmother gets it for her. If she needs something but is too lazy to get it herself, her parents get it for her. and she has that attitude
of "if you dont do this my way im going to cry and you'll be in trouble haha so get me what i need" attitude. its super annoying.

And true jackson vp is fine for 10 year olds to watch but if the chick is fifteen???? wow.
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xlovexforeverx · 1 decade ago
wow i saw a couple of ur other jen quotes nd she sounds like a .sumthingg is definatly stuck up her !!! lol.is she like spoiled or sumtingg??
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Xobri96Xo · 1 decade ago
uh what is so wrong with true jackson VP?
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