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It's just another simple
Voicemail message
I'll pick you up and we'll do
Dinner by the fire
And we'll just watch it snow
It's from a year ago
Baby, I love you
And I can't wait to see you tonight
I've been thinking about you
All day long
She pushes nine to save
But still can't erase 'cause --
It makes her feel close
Makes her smile
It's like he's with her almost
Til the tears take over
She's still in hell
But she tells herself
She's ready to let him go
'Cause that makes her feel close
It's just a worn out Notre Dame t-shirt
She's gotten mad
And tried to throw that thing away
At least a hundred times
But she's got it on tonight
He used to wear it on the weekend
Just runnin' around
Probably forgot he even left it
She says it keeps her warm
Oh, but it's
so much more
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It's just another simple Voicemail message I'll pick you up and

2 faves · Aug 4, 2009 10:49am





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