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OMG, I'm just done!
I'm done, I'm done, I'm done.
I don't know why I'm the one complaining ;;
I'm the one that keeps falling for him and his traps.
But not this time, I'm moving on and I ain't coming back.
I'm getting over you because I can't deal with you and your
stupid little traps to get me to fall for you.
First, I tell you that I like you and then you say you don't know if you like me?
Puh-lease, you didn't know yet?!
Yea, you did. You probably just didn't want to hurt me A G A I N .
But whatever,
I'm done and I'm moving on without you.

wow, worked hard on this. i thought of it @ 12:00 at night when i was laying in bed.
then i was just like UH, WITTY! 
sooo.. i hope you like it??
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OMG, I'm just done! I'm done, I'm done, I'm done. I don't know

3 faves · Jul 31, 2009 12:02am





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