Witty Profiles

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Know the feeling you get when you realize...
He could be THE ONE?

The butterflies you get when...
He is about to kiss?

The smile that spreads across your face when...
He says I LOVE YOU?

Will you remember...
Sitting in you room for and hour trying to pick the perfect outfit?
Listening to every Taylor Swift song trying to find which one is perfect for you two?

Texting him until 5 in the morning even the you spent he whole day with him?
Wishing you had said "I LOVE YOU" after your first date.

Remember wishing you were dead when he broke up with you because maybe it would take the pain away?
Remember thinking you were all alone and sitting in your bedroom crying?

Remember when you answered the door and your best friends where the with a baseball bat asking where the jerk who dumped you lives?

all mine rate high if you like<33
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Know the feeling you get when you realize... He could be THE

3 faves · Jul 25, 2009 12:29pm






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