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\ O /
__ |__
10 reasons tO date a gymnast- 1) F L E X i B i L i T Y. 2) we`re
7O% naked. 3) we can move any way yOu want. 4) we can
go for hours at a time. 5) 2 of us'can do the exact same thing
at the same exact time. `6) we can do it any time-» anywhere.
7) how many people do you kno that can dO a full split bOth
waysz? `8) we always wear tight clothes. 9) we can dance
AND tumble. 10) all the dance ' mOves in our rOutines are just
. - » vertical expressions Of horizontal desires « - .
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\ O / __ |__ 10 reasons tO date a gymnast- 1) F L E X i B i L

2 faves · Jun 27, 2005 3:15pm






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