Witty Profiles

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Are you single or in a relationship?
in a relationship

Is anything bothering you?
my room is really hott

What do you hear?
my computer running. an airplane outside

Would rather be in a relationship or single?
it depends on my outlook on life at the moment

If someone liked you would you want them to tell you? 

Do you like tattoos?
not stupid ones.
ones you get for a reason b.c they mean something to you

Is your hair long or short?
on the longer side

If you were pregnant who would you tell first?
my bff

Do you have any bad habits?
i bite my nails :/

Do you want kids?
yeah. 2-4

Do you ever take naps?
wen im exhausteddd

What kind of music do you listen to?
all kindss

Have you ever been on a boat?

What is your favorite color?

Have you ever seen fireworks?

Have you lived where you live your whole life?
no. i lived somewhere else til i was two

Do you believe in abortion?
depends on the situation
im pro choice

Has someone close to you ever died?

Do you get along with your parents?

Birthday is?
march 28

Name something you always have on you?

What did you do today?

What was the last thing you cried over?
stressed out big time

What are your plans for friday night?
probably hangout with friends

Do you hate anyone?
who doesnt

How are you feeling?
tireddddd, majorly.

Do you lecture people about drugs?
no. its thier lives, if they wanna screw it up who cares?

Have you ever kissed anyone named Tom?
noo lmao

Do you like surprises?
depends on the surprise....

Do you think people have any misconceptions about you?
of coursee

What'd you do last night?
slept. texted my bf

Last form of public transport you went on?

Don't you hate when radio stations continue to play the same songs?
yes! they get sooo overplayed!

Did you really ever have "the talk"?
ugh yeah. ew.

Do you currently have a tattoo on your body somewhere?

Do you ever match your shoes with your shirt?

How are you sitting right now?
laying on my bed

Have you ever had a real tea party? Or been to one?

Do you consider a family member one of your bestfriends, or close friends?
not really, no

Are you currently trying to quit something?
nail bitingg

Do you say "thats what she said" jokes?
lol yeah

Do you feel like song lyrics fit your situations sometimes ?

Do you pick your words carefully, or just tend to blurt everything out?

Where did you grow up?
here! :] where i am right noww

Is there anything special you go to bed with?
my amazing comforterr lol

Have you ever ran away from home?
i tried. i forgot alot of stuff.... lol

Whens the last time you played with water balloons?
i dunno

Have you ever participated in an eating competition?

are you most likely to pick off of your pizza?
im confused by the question. sorry its 2am
brains not functioning

do you think babies have dreams?
sure they do. about clouds and rainbows! WOO!

are you wearing pants?
nope. lol just underwear

Do you relate better to songs, or movies?

Have you ever dated someone in a band? 

Do you own anything that has to be held together with duct tape?
i think?

Whats better, home made cakes, or store bought ones?
does not matter. it just has to have the sugary icingg

Do you actually knock on wood, when you say knock on wood?
no one says that....

Who are the last people you saw kissing?
um noone? cuz i dont think you can see urself.. llmao

Do you have a best friend?

Can you have a mature argument without using attitude?

Do you say "no offence" when you really dont care if they're offended or not?
i thought everyone did....?

Is today an important day?
lmao maybe if its someones birthday!

Do you like someone right now?
yes. my adorable boyfrienddd <3

Do they like you?
yessir :]

What does your last text message say?
"do u really not get bored on the computer"
lol how could i get bored? theres soo much to do!

Who is it from?
matt <3

Did you text back?

What are you thinking about right now?
my bf

Next Quote >

Are you single or in a relationship? in a relationship Is anything

0 faves · Jul 16, 2009 2:21am




