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sleepless nights
endless days
sitting in silence
everyone prays

wishing on stars
whispering to you
wanting to believe
it all wasn't true

you were so weak
it was so unfair
you fought hard your whole life
just to end up here?

each breath took effort
you couldn't laugh any longer
but i know you were inside
body weak, but soul stronger

i never truly understood
a broken heart
till that day came
and it tore apart

now that you're gone
its so hard to believe
all the memories we lost
all the broken dreams

i remember your smile
your laugh, your eyes
i wonder what you'd be like
right now, and i cry

i know you're not suffering
like you were here
but its still just so hard
 without you near

life keeps going
[[time ___ does ___ too]]
but it means -nothing-
w i t h o u t    y o u.

i miss you so much.

for anyone who's lost someone to disease
especially someone so young
RIP haley 
love you <3
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sleepless nights endless days sitting in silence everyone prays

5 faves · 1 comments · Jul 12, 2009 12:07am






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