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"All I ever wanted was to make you happy
And all I ever wanted was to see you smile
All I ever wanted was for you to love me
But we just couldn't seem to work things out
Tell me why do things have to change
And tell me where did we go wrong
Cuz baby I'm tired of cryin'
I guess someway we'll just have to move on..."

Well I can't move on without You
I think about you and your smile
It's been years since I last saw you
I wonder if you remember me
I've tried moving on but it just won't work
I still cry when i'm sitting here all alone
Waiting for you that one special guy

You were the one who made me whole
held hands when we were alone
Protected me from unwanted eyes
hugged me wen i needed to cry
kissed me and said, " Never say goodbye. "

I cry because i did say goodbye
I didn't mean it i really do
it hurts that we have to be so far apart
can't you come and take me back
why...is this hard to do?

So now this is all I want to say,
"I LOVE YOU!"...
Isn't that what you've always wanted me to say?
Take me back I need you now
My life isn't complete without you by my side
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"All I ever wanted was to make you happy And all I ever wanted

1 faves · Jun 10, 2005 9:14pm






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