Witty Profiles

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Nick Name: idk
Month Of Birthday: february
Eye Color: bluee
Hair Color: blonde
Height: 5ft.?
Lefty or Righty: right
Zodiac Sign: piceas
Drive:i wish
Fav Color: yellow!
Number: 6 =P
Band: Kings Of Leon<3
Movie: umm. idk!
Cartoon: total drama island
Sport: gymnastics
Fast Food: umm burger king because they have onion rings
Food: onion rings or ramen noodles
Ice Cream: do root beer floats count?
Cereal: lucky charmss
Candy: gum!
Drink: coke! not pepsi!
Have Any Siblings: 2 older sisters.one of them is my twin )=
Have Any Fears: dying!
Want To Go To College: ohio state!
Get Along With Your Parents: yeahh.
Swear: no comment
Boyfriend/girlfriend: boyfriend...
Have A Crush On Someone: mt boyfriend...
Been Dumped: idk if we were actually going out but if we were then yess.
Dumped Someone: the same person twice.
Rock Or Rap: rock
Chocolate Or Vanilla: vanilla
French Toast Or French Fries: french toast
Strawberries Or Blueberries: BLUEberries
Cookies Or Muffins: cookies
Winter Or Spring Break: spring break
Danced In Public: not really.
Smiled For No Reason: yepp.
Laughed So Hard You Cried:all the time!
Talked To A Stranger: duhh!
Like Being Tickled: no!
Are Your Fingers Tired: nope =P
Tired Of This Survey: not really

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Nick Name: idk Age:12 Month Of Birthday: february Eye Color:

0 faves · Jul 6, 2009 1:56pm




