Witty Profiles

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1. male friend:Sean
2. female friend: Jennifer
3. Vacation: Caseville or Floridaa
4. age: 14
5. memory: getting caught downtown with Jennifer and Scott..lol
1. Time of day: anytime before noon.
2. Day of the week: Monday  
3. Food: onions. mushrooms. tomatoes.
4. Memory: ummm idk
5. Subject: math.
1. Person u saw: my stepdad
2. Talk on the phone with: grandma
3. Hugged: grandma
4. IM: sean
1. Kiss: lets not go there....
2. Serious bf : umm nobody yet
3. Car:  not 16 yet. lol
4. First school:   *BARF*
5. Job: none. other than babysitting.
1. What are you doing now:  this questionnaire.
2. Tonight: watching tv. maybe walmart.
3. Wearing: plaid Aeropostale shorts and pink Aero tank
4. what did you eat for lunch: McDonalds
5: Better than yesterday: yeahh
1. Is: sunday
2. Got any plans:  no
3. Goal: to do what i want?? lol
4. Dislikes about tomorrow:have to work, maybe
5. Do you have work: no
1. Number: 2
2: Song:  umm LoveGame-Lady Gaga
3. Color: pink, purple, blue
4. Season:  summer.
5. State: california.
1. Are you in love?: nope
2. Dating someone: no.
3. Missing someone: yeh
4. Mood: tired
5. Wanting: pizza rolls
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_Bests________ 1. male friend:Sean 2. female friend: Jennifer

0 faves · Jul 4, 2009 11:51pm




