Witty Profiles

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1. Your Name: Lindsay
2. Like Taking Surveys:
3. Favorite Number:
28 and 3
4. Rock Band or Guitar Hero:
guitar hero
5. Have a cell phone: of course! :]

6. Have a mp3 or mp4: ipodd
7. Have a T.V in your bedroom: not in my bedroom, in my other room across the hall...

8. Favorite Band:
9. Favorite Song: dont have one at the moment

10. Dated Anyone Younger Than You:
yeah, now. but hes less than a month younger than me.
11. Getting Bored of This Survey: not really.... i gues....

12. Best Friend:
a bunch of ppl :]
13. Last person you talked to on the phone:
umm mom
14. Dating anyone right now:
matt <3
15. Dark or Light: light or dark what???

16. Scary movie or Sad: scary
17. Favorite Singer: dont reely have one....

18. What are you doing tomorrow: nothing. porbably hangning out

19. Last Movie you Watched: harry potter and the order of the pheonix

20. Last Song you listened to: idk what its called lmao

sooo boreddd......
Next Quote >

1. Your Name: Lindsay 2. Like Taking Surveys: sure. 3. Favorite

0 faves · Jun 28, 2009 9:50pm




