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summer. living the life. letting loose, not caring.
you pretty much live in a pair of old soffe shorts.
the sountrack of your summer consists of
taylor swift & lil wayne, and you spend about an
hour at your  home the whole summer. the pool
becomes  your   new   home and  you  start  not
knowing  what day  or  what time it is,   and  you
just don't care. a day without you best friends
a day wasted. the way you spend  this  summer
tells how you will be spending  your next  year in
school. drama is a  joke and your  flip  flops  are
about an inch  thinner than they were when you
baught them.  at the end of the summer you
notice  you   have   about  fifty  more  swimsuits
than you started out with +& most of your pants
smell like bonfire. it is summer time. live it up.
summer oh nine. it is going to be fine.

last part's not workinggg? make it IMPACT it should fit, if not make it a little bigger.... hmm wittty's being weird right now...
creditt for the edit. thanks

quote's from photobucket.
fabulous fades made the fade

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summer. living the life. letting loose, not caring. you pretty

2 faves · Jun 26, 2009 7:26pm






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