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Teenage years
it's begins with middle school.
Your a little sixth grader
and you think your the coolest person in school,
then you have the eighth graders who make fun of you
the ones who call you twerp and push you around
and you hate how they treat you
your now in seventh grade and you think
the eighth graders will stop but they dont
now two years have passed by
&& your the cool eighth grader
and its your turn to pick on the new little sixth graders,
and you think back on how you didn't like it  but you still do it.
Its high school now.
Your a little freshman
and your expected to change for people
they get you to do the things you were taught were bad
but always remember {{no}} is a big word.
and it means a lot when said to people.
and if they don't understand it then just walk away
at least you have your [{pride}]
unlike all the other girls in high school.

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Teenage years it's begins with middle school. Your a little sixth

69 faves · Jun 18, 2009 5:18pm






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