Witty Profiles

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1.male friends: Tylerrr
2.female friends: Carrie,Sophia
3.vacation: i dont know yett
4.age: 13
5.memory: to manyyy:D
1.time of day: Morning
2.time of week: Monday
3.food: alott!!
4.memory: idkk dont have to many
5.subject: math
1.person u saw: Allie
2.talked to on the phone: Carrie
3.hugged: Tyler
4.IM: Joe
1.kiss: didnt have one
2.serious bf : Brett
3.car: idk
4.first scool: Clarksburg
5.job: babysitting
1.what r u doin now: talking on aim and watching tv
2.tonight: sleeping
3.wearing: clothes :]
4.what did u eat for lunch: sandwich
5.better than yesturday: idk they were both boring
1.is: monday
2.got any plans: nope :[
3.goal:i dont have one :]
4.dislikes about tomorrow: i have to go to skool :[
5.do u have work: nope
1.number: 13 33
2.song: Come and Get high
3.color: red and little green
4.sesson: summerr!! :]
5.state: California
1.are u in love: nooo
2.dating someone: no soo said
3.missing someone: yesssss <33
4.mood: uhmm idkk mabiee sadd and happi :] :[
5.wanting: someone i dont know if he likes mee
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_______Bests________ 1.male friends: Tylerrr 2.female friends:

0 faves · Jun 7, 2009 4:43pm





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