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ever since that day you went away, i knew my life was never gonna be the same again. i didnt have anyone tellin me they loved me, i didnt have anyone i could even confide in. sure, i met other guys here and there once you left, but it just wasnt the same, exept the fact that promises were unkept. i didnt even plan on you walking away from me forever, i guess i was right, i knew you could do better. but you said that you hated goodbyes, i should of know right then and there that was one of your biggest lies. i never thought that the sweetest guy on earth could have sucha split personality and turn into the biggest jerk. ever since you did that to me i can never trust any other guys, even when there tellin the truth i always think they lie. i guess i should be movin on and getting over you, but every time i try that it NEVER works, no matter what i do. so every nite when i go to bed i pray about 2 things, i pray some guy changes my mind about guys and their lies and that where ever you are, i pray that whoever your with.. she gives you the time of your life. :-\

ONCE AGAIN i suck lol
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ever since that day you went away, i knew my life was never gonna

1 faves · Mar 31, 2005 4:31pm





break up

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