Witty Profiles

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One: Would you date your number one?
nah brahh well maybe if i was a guy but im not so uh no

Two: Where was your default picture taken?
my room

Three: What's your favorite song?
i love your existance

Four: What is your favorite color(s)?
pink(: <3

Five: Does the person you like, like you back?
um he sad kinda(:

Six: When is your birthday?
july 25

Seven: Are you mad at anyone?
umm sorta not really though

Eight: What color shirt are you wearing?
dark blue from abercombie

Nine: If you were going on a TV show, which one would it be? 
um thats hard ha

Ten: Are you imagining anyone naked right now?
um no hahahhahaha thats a strange question to ask

Eleven: Did you ever sneak into an R rated movie? 
nah brahh

Twelve: Ever had a near death experience?

Thirteen: Something you do a lot?
talk, and listen to music

Fourteen: How old will you be in 12 months?
um 13

Fifteen: Do you want to see somebody right now?
yes yes i do

Sixteen: How many piercings do you have?
11 ha jk 2

Eighteen: who would you do anything for?
skye and emily(:

Nineteen: What are you doing right now?
this. aim. music.

Twenty: Do you miss anyone?
um sorta

Twenty-One: Do you still talk to your ex?
ughh yeah.....

Twenty two: Biggest fear? 
spiders or humonguous leafs....they freak me outtt

Twenty-Three: Where is your ex?
probably home

Twenty-Five: What did you do last night?
talked to someone(: <3

Twenty-Six: what woke you up?
my mom

Twenty-Seven: Speak any other languages?
well i take spanish so i can sorta speak spanish but im not good at it

Twenty-Eight: What's your favorite type of flower?
um either a rose or well i dont know what the other ones called

Twenty-Nine: Would you rather be at the beach or the lake?

Thirty: Are you mean?
i can be

Thirty-One: Do you like rain?
some times

Thirty-Two: What are you thinking about right now?
the guy i like

Thirty-Three: What should you be doing right now?
um i dont know cause i dont have homework so nothing

Thirty-Four: What's your favorite food?

Thirty-Five: Are you hurting anywhere?
nothing at the moment

Thirty-Six: Is your christmas tree taller than you?
well christmas isnt here yet but ussualy it is

Thirty-Seven: Who was the last person you yelled at?
i dont know, probably emily hahahaha

Thirty-Eight: Can you live without your cell phone?
um yeah probably

Thirty-Nine: Who is the last person you said I Love You to?
emily ha

Forty: Are you a dork?
i act like one(;

Forty-One: What are you listening to?
i love your existance<3

Forty-Two: Do you have a significant other?
no...not yet at least

Forty-Three: Favorite Band?
we the kings and yellow card oh and the goot

Forty-Four: How are you feeling?
anxious and happyish
Next Quote >

One: Would you date your number one? nah brahh well maybe if

0 faves · 1 comments · May 14, 2009 5:02pm






bekahh_x · 1 decade ago
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